Likeminded Painters Australia: Painters Domain Podcast

Ep 7 - Interview with Craig Charlton from Lock Jaw Ladder Grip

Clayton Coughlan Season 1 Episode 7

Craig Charlton is the co-founder of the Lock Jaw Ladder Grip, however the original idea was
born way back in the '70s, and was the brainchild of his father, Robert.

Craig and Robert were passionate about helping people stay safe on ladders, and prevent injuries, through a design concept that would stand up to the rigorous safety benchmarks, as well as standards of convenience.

They undertook countless hours of design work, and trial and error. Craig drew on his legal background to ensure that they had the designs and patents down pat. Craig explains the long
road that was taken to get this product to the market, and we are talking about many, many years.

If you have had an idea that you want to design, get a patent on, and take it to the market, then this is a podcast that I think you're really going to enjoy.

It's one interesting journey.